About Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease (KD) is a vasculitic disease, with onset typically in early childhood (77% of patients are <5 yo).
- More common in boys (~1.5:1 M to F ratio)
- Younger (under 1 yo) = highest risk of coronary artery aneurysm (also most likely to present as incomplete!)
- Rapid onset, may be preceded by URI or AGE
- Acute phase (first 7-11 days)
Subacute phase (12+ days)
Convalescent phase
Fever >5 days (poorly responsive to NSAIDs) with 4+ of the following:
- Red eye (without exudate) (view image)
- Mucosal changes:
- Injected and/or fissured lips (view image)
- Strawberry tongue (view image)
- Injected pharynx
- Changes in extremities:
- Erythema
- Edema of hands/feet in acute phase
- Periungual desquamation in convalescent phase (view image)
- Polymorphous rash
- Primarily truncal
- Non-vesicular
- Cervical LAD (at least one node >1.5 cm)
Lab Workup
- Elevated ESR, CRP, WBCs w/left shift
- Thrombocytosis by the 2nd week (reactive)
- Normocytic, normochromic anemia (in ~50%)
- Sterile pyuria (but LE negative), common
- Elevated ALT/AST
- Abnormal lipid profiles
Rule out other causes of fever/sxs!
- Infection (bacterial/viral/tick borne)
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Staph scalded skin syndrome
- Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
- Serum sickness
- Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
- Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) or other systemic vasculitis (severe/refractory disease)
- Admission for evaluation and treatment of inflammation and prevention of cardiac sequelae
- Echocardiogram
- Early treatment with:
- Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) (often a single dose)
- High dose aspirin (80-100 mg/kg divided QID)
- Consider adding steroids or TNF-inhibitor for refractory cases
- Baseline echocardiogram
- Repeat echo 2 weeks after diagnosis
- Further monitoring determined by cardiology
- Treatment within 10 days of onset is very effective.
- Can treat after 10 days with IVIg but less effective at preventing aneurysms
- No live virus vaccines for 11 months post IVIg
- Mortality is ~0.1% in the US.