A 2 yo previously healthy M presents with fever for 5 days; red, cracked lips; and general irritability.
Questions to Ask
- Pattern of fever?
- Associated URI symptoms?
- Conjunctivitis?
- Lymphadenopathy?
- Rash?
- Extremity changes (hand/foot swelling)?
History & Physical Exam
- 3 days ago, PMD noted red eyes with limbic sparing.
- This AM feet appeared puffy.
- A macular papular rash is present over torso and extremities, sparing palms/soles.
- On exam, he has prominent linular papillae and red, cracked lips.
- You further note that the child is cranky and cries throughout exam.
Recommended Workup
- Labs:
- CBC with differential, complete metabolic panel
- UA with microscopy
- Infectious workup as appropriate (blood culture, urine culture, viral panel)
- Antibody testing that might be needed prior to IVIg administration
- Echocardiogram to look for coronary ectasia
Admission for treatment of KD