A 34 yo F with history of smoking presents with joint pain.
Questions to Ask
- Main question about joint pain: is joint pain inflammatory or not?
- Pertinent other questions about joint pain:
- Duration of symptoms?
- Joints involved?
- Joint count?
- Joint stiffness in the morning?
- Any other body systems involved?
- Inquire about infectious risk factors for parvo, hepatitis, TB
History & Physical Exam
- Bilateral hand stiffness in the morning >2 hours with joint swelling in MCPs, PIPs, wrist
- Progressive worsening for weeks to months
- Feels like walking on rocks in the morning
- Progressive shortness of breath, nonproductive cough
Physical Exam
- Warm, swollen wrists
- MCPs and PIPs tender to touch with synovial thickening and bogginess
- Lung crackles
Diagnostic Workup
- Recommended labs: CBC with diff, CMP, CRP, ESR, RF, CCP, hepatitis B/C serologies, Quant TB
- Recommended imaging: hand and feet x-rays – 3 views
- If any signs or symptoms of other organ involvement, assess accordingly:
- Pulmonary function tests
- AP/lateral chest x-ray +/- transthoracic echo
- Even if CXR unremarkable, would order CT chest without contrast interstitial lung disease (ILD) protocol to assess for inflammatory lung disease
- Refer to rheumatology
Treatment & Management
- Can start systemic steroids (dose of prednisone 15-20 mg per day with a taper over 4-6 weeks) if patient requires symptom relief
- Consider methotrexate if no contraindications
- Consider starting dose of PO 10-15 mg weekly with daily folic acid 1 mg PO
- Monitor:
- With steroids: blood sugars, blood pressure, signs of volume overload
- With methotrexate: pregnancy test in females of reproductive age, CBC with differential, renal function and liver function tests at baseline and every 3 months
A 54 yo AA male with PMH of HTN, OA dx presents to clinic.
History & Physical Exam
- 90 min AM hand joint stiffness, swelling ~7 mo
- Dyspnea, pleurisy R side ~4 wks (view image)
- Leg rash
- Tried naproxen with minimal relief
Physical Exam
- 102.2°F (39°C), 148/94 mmHg, 90 bpm, 22/min
- Skin lesion on leg (view image)
- Regular rate and rhythm
- R pleural friction rub
- Synovial thickening of wrists, MCPs, and PIPs
Diagnostic Workup
Lab Results
- TTE wnl
- 3k WBCs
- 18% PMNs
- High LDH
- Glucose LOW 5 mg/dL
- Nl protein
- pH 7.4
- Cultures neg, cytology neg
Skin Bx
- Neutrophilic infiltrate
- No infection
Infectious/Cancer Screening
- All infectious workup/cancer screen neg
- Refer to rheumatology to start DMARD as soon as possible!