Vaccine guidelines for:

  • >18 yo-<65 yo with rheumatic or musculoskeletal disorders on immunosuppression AND
  • Adults (≥65 yo) with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders with or without immunosuppression
View list of immunosuppression medications.


Special Considerations

  • For patients taking the equivalent of prednisone ≥20 mg/d, defer vaccinations (except influenza) until tapered <20 mg/d
  • No contraindications to giving multiple vaccinations to patients on same day
  • Medication management at the time of non-live attenuated vaccine administration (see below)

Influenza vaccination

  • Hold methotrexate for 2 weeks after vaccination
  • Hold only if disease activity allows.

Non-rheumatology providers, e.g., general pediatricians and internists, are encouraged to give the influenza vaccination and then consult with the patient’s rheumatology provider about holding methotrexate to avoid a missed vaccination opportunity.

Other non-live attenuated vaccinations

  • Continue methotrexate

Influenza vaccination

  • Continue rituximab
  • Give influenza vaccination on schedule. Delay any subsequent rituximab dosing for at least 2 weeks after influenza vaccination if disease activity allows.

Other non-live attenuated vaccinations

  • Time vaccination for when the next rituximab dose is due, and then hold rituximab for at least 2 weeks after vaccination

For immunosuppressive medications other than methotrexate and rituximab:

Influenza vaccination

  • Continue immunosuppressive medication

Other non-live attenuated vaccinations

  • Continue immunosuppressive medication